La carie – The dental caries – Q-721 motion comics and digital comic strip -モーションコミック − デジマンガ


Isernia's tooth - Il dente d'Isernia - Q-721 motion comics and digital comic strip -モーションコミック − デジマンガ

– Damn!!! A little caries!!! I gotta go to the dentist straight away.

Isernia's tooth - Il dente d'Isernia - Q-721 motion comics and digital comic strip -モーションコミック − デジマンガ

– Well, well, lets make an injection here, polish here, move this away, put it there, another injection, screw driver,  pincers, a bit of glue, vacuum cleaner and at the end…

Isernia's tooth - Il dente d'Isernia - Q-721 motion comics and digital comic strip -モーションコミック − デジマンガ -…here is your new denture!

– Fuck you, doctor….