Stare at an egg: enjoy its beautiful roundness, its fascinating curves, the delicate consinstency of[…]
Category: curiosità
THE PHONE CALL – Q-721 Motion comics & italian webcomics
CURIOSITY Curiosity is a force that guides us in our experiences and gives a bit[…]
Cornelius Drebbel, a Dutch in London – Drebbel, un olandese a Londra
In the XVIIth century, an alchemist inventor from Holland experimented the “first” submarine under the[…]
Q-721 motion comics and webcomics italiani – Eufrosine – Euphrosine
In ancient Greece, and later in Rome, people and gods could rely on the goddess[…]
Tower of Babel – Torre di Babele – Q-721 motion comics & digital comics online – モーションコミック、さんコマ漫画
In the Genesis of the Bible, there’s explained the origin of languages on earth. People[…]
Isernia’s tooth – Il dente d’Isernia – Q-721 motion comics and digital comic strip -モーションコミック − デジマンガ
The most ancient human remains of Italy was found in Isernia. The tooth of a[…]
Chicken dinosaur – Il pollo dinosauro – Q-721 motion comics & italian webmanga – モーションコミック、4コマ漫画
Did you know that chickens can be imagined as the result of the evolution of[…]
Aerofono – Aerophone – Q-721 motioncomics & fumetti online – モーションコミック、4コマ漫画
Human ideas are sometimes surprising. Before the invention of the Radar, there was the “aerophone”,[…]
Blobfish – Il pesce blob – Q-721 motion comics & italian webcomics – モーションコミック、4コマ漫画
What is for you the funniest animal in nature? The koala or maybe the monkey?[…]
Darwin’s Natural selection – Selezione naturale di Darwin – Q-721 motion comics & italian webcomics – モーションコミック、4コマ漫画
Species respond to environment changes with transmutation. So a natural selection occurs to give priority[…]
Alpaca’s fleece – La lana dell’alpaca – Q-721 motion comics & fumetti on line – モーションコミック、4コマ漫画
If you wander around the Andes of Peru above 3500 meters you might encounter a[…]
IL MISTERO DEL DODECAEDRO – THE MYSTERY OF THE DODECAHEDRUM – motion comics & italian webcomics – モーションコミック、4コマ漫画
C’e’ un oggetto davvero misterioso che proviene dal passato di cui non si conosce nulla.[…]