Stare at an egg: enjoy its beautiful roundness, its fascinating curves, the delicate consinstency of its shell, its actractive pink. Since ancient times, people have given important meanings to eggs. An egg could represent the origin of the universe, God, perfectness, virginity and more. In early Renassaince’s arts, looking at the “Pala di Brera” painting, we can see how important an ostrich’s egg could be to Masaccio. At the end, here comes the question you cannot escape from: what does an egg mean to you?
Fissa un uovo: la sua rotondita’, le sue curve sinuose, la sua delicata consistenza, il suo soave colore rosato. In passato, quest’oggetto di quotidiana familiarita’ ha rappresentato molto: l’origine dell’universo, Dio, la perfezione, la verginita’ e chi piu’ ne ha, piu’ ne metta. Alle origini del Rinascimento si puo’ scoprire, nella “Pala di Brera”, quale importanza abbia rivestito per Masaccio un vistoso uovo di struzzo. Ed ora a voi l’ineludibile domanda: cosa ci vedete in un uovo?
How beautiful…
The cosmic egg is a mythological object that represents perfection and the origin of all things. It deserves great veneration…
Yum, yum, yum…
Nothing’s better than a tasty zucchini omelette…