Q-721 Motio comics & italian webcomics – The key – La chiave – 鍵 – モーションコミック、4コマ漫画


otion comics & webcomics italiani - La chiave - The key - 鍵 ー 4コマ漫画

– See Captain, there’s a cock in the engine room!

– I see. What’s a cock doing in there?

otion comics & webcomics italiani - La chiave - The key - 鍵 ー 4コマ漫画

– According to article 123 of this vessel’s regulation, the motorist should be punished for embarking a stowaway cock!

– It’s just a cock, let it slide…

otion comics & webcomics italiani - La chiave - The key - 鍵 ー 4コマ漫画

– Hey Cock-a-doodle! Just move to one side otherwise they’re gonna see us all…